8 - Bottles of Mustard - This was the fun deal that made me laugh! Bi-Lo has coupons for buy one name brand items get their item FREE! I keep the coupons until the name brand item goes on sale. This week it was French's Mustard. It was BOGO Free! Okay, so I purchased two French Mustard and got two free, that made 4, so I get 4 store brands FREE! I am only purchasing 2 bottles but getting 6 FREE. Now, the two that I am purchasing cost $1.14 each so that is $2.28. I have 4 French's Mustard so I am using 4 coupons (from the Sunday paper) at .50 cents each. Bi-Lo doubles coupons up to .60 cents so that is $2.00 in coupons! Phew, almost done! So, that means I got all 8 bottles of mustard for .28 cents!!!!!!!!! Potato salad here we come!!! Wonder how much potatoes will be? Sign up for a Bi-Lo card and get access to these coupons!
6 - Packs of 50 count Paper Plates - This was the same deal as the Mustard! No need to go through the whole break down again! I purchased all 6 packs for $1.30!!! That is 300 plates for $1.30!!!! Great for holding that potato salad!!!!
6 - Hamburger Helper - On sale BOGO and had 3/.80 cent coupons. Got all 6 boxes for $4.37. Love the Chicken Alfredo with grilled chicken, fresh steamed broccoli and chopped tomatoes!
So good!!! Internet coupons!
4 - Beef Hot Dog - This was another sale item like the Mustard. I did not have a coupon for the Carolina Pride Beef Hot Dogs but still purchased four packs of beef hot dogs for $1.98! Great with the upcoming potato salad!
3 - Bottles of Ketchup - On sale at Bi-Lo for .99 cents! Had three coupons for .20 cents which were doubled, so purchased all three for $1.77! Man this is going to be good with the hot dogs and the potato salad, served on a paper plate! My little boy was thrilled when he saw the ketchup! He is an addict! Coupon from the Sunday paper!
3 - Luzianne Green Tea Bags - Another family favorite! Love making sweet tea with this! This was on sale 2/$3.00 had a .60 cent coupon which was doubled! So, purchased all three boxes for .90 cents!!!! Woo Hoo, tea with our hot dogs and potato salad!!! Coupon-from the paper!
3 - Del Monte Fruit Chillers - Now for dessert! I don't know about where you are but its been so hot here, my kids would eat Popsicles all day and skip the food if I let them. So to get Popsicles on sale, that makes me happy! These were on sale for $1.88 a package and I had $1.00 coupons! So, purchased all three boxes for $2.64! Soooo coooollllll!!!
2 - Weber Grill Creations - This is a new product for us but we love spices! It looks delicious and it was to good of a deal to pass up. These were on a BOGO free sale! They were $2.49 each, since I purchased 2, I used 2 coupons for .50 cents each, of course they were doubled so I purchased 2 for .49 cents! This will taste good on the grilled chicken for the Hamburger Helper Alfredo!
When checking out the cashier was a little upset with me. She wanted to tell me they did not take the Bi-Lo printed coupons (I know, get off the floor, I wanted to laugh too!). When I pointed out they had the Bi-Lo logo on them she still did not want to accept them. I just said, "I guess you need to call the manager." The manager came over and looked at her and said, "Are you kidding, of course we take these, their our coupons!" He left but she was still upset with me! She looked at me and said, "I would never spend time printing and clipping coupons!" I did not say anything but when my total went from $95.23 to $13.73 I just looked at her and said, "I think it was worth my time!" The ladies behind me all chimed in and asked, how did you do that? It was a good shopping day!
Leave me a comment about your deal of the day!
Oh, anyone need mustard?
That is really awesome! How rewarding to be able to provide for your family and help others at the same time. Great job!!!
ReplyDeleteHey Rachel!
ReplyDeleteI tried to put a comment on your blog but since I do not have any of the accounts that you need to do that I will just copy what I wrote here. :)
Your posts have inspired me to pay more attention to coupons that I clip. I usually clip them, put them in my purse, then promptly forget that I have a coupon for an item when I buy it. I have gone to websites like cellfire.com and just loaded the coupons onto my Kroger shopper card. Yesterday I purchased the Betty Crocker Warm Delights mini cakes (works for me because I am the only one that eats cake in my house) from Kroger and had a $.50 coupon from Cellfire and then had a $.50 coupon from the paper. They doubled the coupon from the paper so I only paid $.79 for this item. YAY!!!!
Thanks for inspiring to check my coupons and become more organized. Keep posting, maybe all the rest of us will get with it. :)
Hi Rachel,
ReplyDeleteJust wanted to say thanks for stopping by and reading my selective squeamishness article! It is so fun sharing information on our blogs, isn't it?
What an amazing shopping day you had! What a silly cashier...she was probably jealous that she doesn't have your savy. Sounds like you've got an amazing backyard feast ready to go for the 4th!
Update on the cashier...I called Bi-Lo and asked to talk with the manager. We had a nice conversation regarding coupons and he assured me their store welcomed those who use coupons. After telling him what happened earlier in the day he assured me at the next employee meeting they would address their coupon policy with all the employees. He then said if I would come back again they would love an opportunity to prove they are a coupon friendly store. I did not call with the intent of getting the cashier in trouble, I called to let him know we are merely trying to provide for our families and be good stewards. He graciously agree and said if they can not offer great customer satisfaction then they need to be in another line business. Oh, by the way, if anyone needs a cashier's job, there is one spot open at Bi-Lo.