Not every shopping trip consist of a buggy full! Today I was paying a bill and in the same parking lot was Save-A-Lot and I knew they often get in good produce so I popped in and was pleasantly surprised. They had bananas 3lb/$1.00 (a few missing because we ate them on the way home), Jumbo Cucumbers 2/$1.00, Mango's for .69 cents, White Onion for .59 cents, tomatoes still on the vine for .99lb. and a 5lb bag of potatoes for $1.99 so my bill today was $7.78. We are having grilled burgers for supper so the tomato and onion are going to taste good on top! The cucumber and tomato are going in a cold pasta salad and the mango is going in a drink that my honey has been wanting to try. The potatoes and extra onion will be use Thursday for Mark's Famous Potato Salad! It was a good produce day!
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