The second chapter to our Summer Binder is daily activities. Keeping activities in front of the boys helps keep away those summer time "I'm bored!" or "Mom, what can I do?" statements. I remember as a child my Mom always had a creative activity in mind for us. My favorite was the playhouse they made out of an old pump house. Mom made me curtains, Dad put in a laminate floor and I supplied the imagination. I loved that playhouse and it provided hours of entertainment. That's what this section is dedicated to, supplying the tools to spark imagination and growth.
Supplies Needed: Monthly Calendar (June-August), Bank, Blank Paper, Pen, Hole Punch, Imagination
Reading Schedule
This Summer we are focusing on reading more. To encourage the boys to read I created a calendar with a large 25 on each day (even the blank days on the calendar page). Although they are required to read everyday we thought we would make it exciting for them. Each day they read for 25 minutes they get to color in a square, for ever square they get .25 cents deposited into a bank, at the end of the summer they get to take the money in the bank and do a special activity. They deciede they want to go to the Outlet Mall and Dad said he would treat lunch! They can earn extra money each month by coloring in the extra blanks that are on the calendar. They love this! I catch them reading longer then 25 minutes because they are interested in their book. We plan a library visit on Monday mornings and we have had a great time thus far.
Top 20 List - Indoor
Again, to keep from hearing, "Mom, what can I do?" I had each boy create a top 20 list. This is a list of 20 things they like to do at home. They could only pick three thing on the list they like to do with someone the rest had to independent activities. I had our youngest go in his room, look through his toys and come up with things he liked to do. He forgot he had a few things until he went looking. He would run in and say, "Playdough! I forgot I had that!" We would add it to the list then off he went to find another fun activity! My favorite thing on their list was spend time with Grandpa! Grandpa lives with us and I thought it was precious to see each one put that on their list. This has been a great help! When they get attached by the evil "I'm bored bug" I just send them to their list then off they go on some fun adventure!
Top 50 Outside
Our outdoor list we created together. We came up with a huge list of activities they can do outside . We even bought great water guns so they can have a few "wet activities". They loved creating this list and it was fun watching it grow and grow and grow!
So, there you have it, now you are set to create your own summer binder and have the best summer ever! I would love to hear your comments about your binder and how its going for you! Just remember, your summer will only be a good as you plan for it to be, so let's make it a GREAT one!
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