Having Mark home has been an adjustment, but one that I have been enjoying, he is really pitching in and helping with the house hold chores. He puts in applications all day and in between he helps around the house. He has however upset my routine a bit! I usually start the dishwasher after lunch so its ready for our evening meal. Well, today he started it before lunch, I noticed it had only made it through the first cycle so I turned it off so we could put the lunch dishes in there too. I forgot about it and that afternoon I had the boys unload it! Still not remembering I turned it off earlier! When I put a dish in I closed it then noticed the dial was still at the same spot! I just started to laugh, then went back to the cabinet unloaded the dirty dishes and reloaded the dishwasher again! No one asked why I was washing "clean" dishes!
I think its because they have seen me goof more then once!
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