Teaching our children to pray and have faith is something we strive to teach, but sometimes lessons better if they are experienced then if they are taught from a book. For me can it can be a challenge teaching our children about faith because as a parent we often have the ability to "answer" the prayers of our children. Often we have the ability to give them the money they need or solve the problem they have. As a Mom of boys I have to constantly remember that I am teaching young men, future husbands, future adult men to have faith in God and to trust that God knows best. Caleb is our sports boy, he loves anything to do with games and competition. A few months ago he had an opportunity to play soccer and he loved it! As soon as soccer was over and really even before it was over he was asking us, "When is basketball starting?" He began to practice, talked about the possibilities of his team name, pondered what color his team would be, he even started watching basketball on TV and was always rooting for the winning team. When I called to see when sign up was going to take place I quickly realized we missed it! My heart was broken. I hung up the phone, looked at his excited face and said, "Buddy, I am sorry but we missed the sign up and its already closed." I honestly wanted to cry. He had look forward to this for months and now I felt like I disappointed him and broke his little heart. He looked at me and said, "That's okay Mom." I knew he was being brave so we both would not cry. I said, "I will call and talk to see if they can find a place for you." I called and left a message and then we just put it in God's hands. Its been two weeks since we called and today, Caleb said, "Mom, do you think I am going to get to play basketball?' I said, "Buddy, I am not sure, but if God wants you to play, he will open a spot for you. Why don't we pray one more time." We prayed and continued on our trip home. When we arrived home, Kyle met us at the door and said, "Mom, the man over the basketball teams called and said they have one spot left and they would like Caleb to come play." I about jumped out of my skin! I was so excited that he was going to get the opportunity to play and even more excited that our little 7 year old was able to see that God answers prayers of little children too. What an amazing God we serve, in the good times or the bad, in the little or the big, we need to remember God is worthy of our trust.Matthew 19:14
But Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven.
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