I am so excited about my find of the century! I went to Rite Aid today because Mark needed a refill on some medication. They are offering a coupon (of course!), if you transfer two prescription they will give you a gift card for $50! Since Mark's medication was only $5 it was worth it! Plus he needed it anyway. After receiving the gift card I wanted to come home and go through the sale paper first before spending the money, you know, so I can spend $50 but walk out with so much more! Well, on my way out I noticed they had shampoo and conditioner on clearance for 75% off so I figured it up and it was only $1.04 a bottle. I thought, we are almost out so I will pick up two bottles. When I got to the register the cashier noticed there was a coupon on the back (can you believe it, a coupon go by me!) so he ripped it off and it was for $1.00 off!!!!! I said, "Are you kidding me?" He just laughed! Since the store was empty I asked if I could go get more before he totaled me up. I went back and bought all they had! So, I got 7 shampoo and 6 conditioner (two missing in the photo) for a total of .52 cents!!! Now, that is a deal! $3.42 per bottle x 12 bottles = $41.04
Paid .52 cents = $40.52 savings!!!!
Note: Coupon for prescription is available in the store at the pharmacy or in their sale paper by the front door. My coupon from online would not scan so get one at the door.
This is an amazing deal! Feel free to come by and add your Frugal Finds on Friday as I've been posting about some of mine every Friday. It is a rush getting a great deal and I love hearing about other peoples steals as well.