Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Living By Faith-Week Six

Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Its Back!!
Its Back! Harris Teeter is Doubling Coupons up to $1.98 again this week!
View their add here and start planning to save! Its worth the trip!
Make sure to let me know what you saved this week so we can celebrate with you!
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Deal of the Day @ Target
Let me first say, I know I have a bad camera, and I do apologize for things being blurry! Its high on the prayer list and one day we will have a great camera but until then, this one at least gives you an idea of what the products are! Blur and all! When I get a new camera we will celebrate together!
Print your own Target coupons here and keep them on hand for a great sale!
Monday, July 20, 2009
Almost Home!!!
We were so excited to welcome Kyle home from camp and my sister home for a visit! We could not wait to see them. When they were a few hours away Mark (my husband) decided he would make signs and hang them in our neighborhood along the route to the house. The signs were so cute and Kyle said they
made him feel even more excited to get home!
This was on the corner right by the house!
Home At Last!!!
He arrived with horn a honking and when we looked outside our 13 year old was in the driver seat! Got to love traveling with your Aunt! As you can see he was all smiles!
He could not keep from hugging him and of course
talking and talking and talking!!!
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Deals of the Week
This was my best deal of the day! I have been keeping my eye on these because I had $2 off coupons. I did not want to pay the $8.99 a box so I just kept an eye out for a good deal and boy did I find a good deal! This week these are on sale BOGO free at CVS so right there I saved half! Then I uses 2 coupons for $2 off! Now I am down to 2 for $5. A good deal! But I had almost $20 in CVS bucks so I used a $4 CVS buck and got both of these for $1.00! That is now a GREAT deal!
Wal-Mart Deal of the Day
This week I am so excited because my two sisters are coming home! We will have a few family meals at our house so I wanted to make a cake. I was happy to find a deal on this frosting.
It was $1.38 a container and as you can see there is a hole in the wrapper, that's
because there was a .25cent off coupon attached.
Then I had two coupons for .50 cents off so I purchased them for .63 cents each.
You don't always have to buy BIG! I had three coupons for .35 cents off but knew that would not add up to much when a bottle of tide was $8 and up. Since the coupons said, "any size Tide" I decided to use it on these travel size. The were .98 cents each and I paid .63 cents for them. I know, you are wondering why bother right? Well, I like to put these in gift baskets for missionaries or our college kids going away this fall. They add a special touch and I am sure they will be appreciated.
I had coupons for these but I am not a fan of the $9.99 price at the grocery store. I've been keeping my eye on them and have been trying to find a good price. This week in Wal-Mart they have them on a Roll Back price for $6.97 using my $4 off coupons I was able to get all three boxes for $8.91. That was lower then just one box at the grocery store! If you would like to try a FREE sample sign up here. Also look for the tab that says other FREE samples. Just answer three simple questions and they will send you a few other items too and maybe even a few coupons!!!
I would love to hear about your deals this week!
Leave a comment and let's celebrate together!
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Coupon 101 Class
Would you like to save 50% off your next grocery bill?
Maybe you are having a hard time and now find yourself on food stamps, would you like to learn how to double that amount?
Would you like to learn how to get many items free?
If you would like to learn how to save each time you go into
the grocery store then join us!
Thursday, July 30, 2009
6:30 - 8:30 PM
Best Western in Ladson
$20 per person
Coupon Coupon Coupon Coupon
Register before Tuesday, July 28, and you can bring a friend for half price!
How To Register
I review each comment before its posted so send me your name, number
and number attending. A follow up call with be made with further information.
Seating is very limited so make sure to register early.
What Will I Learn?
How to become a smart shopper
How to use Coupons
When to use Coupons
Where to use Coupons
Where to find Coupons
A Good Filing System
How to use Coupons
When to use Coupons
Where to use Coupons
Where to find Coupons
A Good Filing System
and much more!!!
We are going to have a great time!
Door Prizes and Light Refreshments Will Be Provided!
Living By Faith-Week 5

Hebrews 11:1
Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
We have no idea what our future holds, but unlike the priest, we know who holds our future. Our hope and trust is in the one who hung the moon and stars into space, our hope is in the one who opened a door for a little boy to play basketball, our hope is in the one who sent a 13 year old boy to camp. He is worthy of our trust and we continue to count our blessings and we continue to press on.
Psalms 27:14
Wait on the LORD: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the LORD.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Foaming Hand Soap

it was a lesson for me today!
I purchased one of those foaming hand soap dispensers a few weeks ago (of course with a coupon). It was covered in a cute plastic wrapper so I could not see inside but when I was at the store I noticed another one that was in a see through bottle. I was shocked to see it was almost water! I thought I bet I can make my own solution. Having two boys and often two nephews we use a lot of hand soap. I purchased a large bottle of liquid hand soap and mixed it about 80/20 mixture. 80% water 20% soap and it worked!
It made hand soap for a whole lot less money!
Still Feeling Lucky!!!
With Kyle going to camp this week its nice
that Caleb has Lucky to keep him busy!
He has been playing non stop with him and I think when
Lucky goes home, homesickness will be felt by both puppy and boy!
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
A Little One On One
FREE Food @ Arbys Wednesday!!
He Made It Safe

Today they are off to Six Flags for the whole day then to a Chicago Pizzeria! Its going to be another great day in the life of Kyle. We anticipate hearing all about the excitement of the day! Thanks for your prayers and for your words of encouragement. God is good and we are blessed to have been given the opportunity to raise two boys for Him!
Monday, July 13, 2009
Leaving for Camp - 7:00 AM
Kyle was excited to go and Caleb was excited to have the room
all to himself for the week! That lasted for 15 minutes!
We were not even home and Caleb was asking what he could do?
We had a good laugh about that! We are thankful he is going to VBS all week
with our neighbor! Someone to hang out with!
We had a good laugh about that! We are thankful he is going to VBS all week
with our neighbor! Someone to hang out with!
Sending Him Off
Finances - The door opened for Kyle and myself to fix lunches every week for a kind group of ladies and gentlemen. They graciously paid $6 for lunch and helped him raise enough money for registration and those extra supplies needed when going on a trip. He also worked a few odd and end jobs for family to bring in some spending money. He was even given money by an anemones friend at church. This came Sunday morning when we knew we were still short. When we totaled up his money he was short only $2!!! Without knowing his little brother came to me and said, "Mom, would this help Kyle go to camp?" He opened his little hand and inside was his two dollars! My friend, what a mighty God we serve!
Shirts Kyle was in need of clothing, shirts mainly. My sister called one day and said she found a deal online at Penny's and was able to get Kyle 6 shirts and with coupons, a gift card, online sale she saved around $130! What a blessing it was for him to get the shirts he needed and to see God answer the first of many prayers!
Shoes & Shorts - Not knowing his tennis shoes were to small he asked if we could pray about him getting a new pair before going. After going through his clothes we realized he needed some shorts as well. We set out for our favorite thrift stores and before leaving Kyle prayed that God would direct our path and show us the items we needed. We used the money from that weeks meals so he had $30 and we needed shorts and shoes! We went into the first thrift store and we found 4 pair of shorts for $7!!!! What a blessing! Two of them were brand new! Since his foot grew to a size 14 we did not find any shoes. We got into the car and praised God for what he provided. Next we were on a shoe hunt! We had $23 left and getting a size 14 was going to be a challenge to say the least. We went into Ross and he began to look and saw nothing his size. I could see the disappointment on his face and not so much disappointment as much as maybe a little worry. He knew we did not have the extra money to add to his $23 and he really needed a new pair. When I walked over to help, I noticed a pair of shoes on the bottom rack. I picked them up they were size 14!!! The only pair of 14 in the store! I hesitated to look at the price because I could tell when I picked them up they were a good quality shoe. I flipped over the tag and it said $80, Ross Price $29.99, Clearance Price $19.99!!!!!!!!!! Oh, my heart began to flutter and I said (you know in a calm Mom voice so not to act like they are cool or anything), "What about these?" Kyle looked at me, and with the biggest smile he said, "Are you sure?" When I told him how much they were he almost jumped out of his old shoes! He said he saw them but did not even look at them because he knew how expensive they were. He said he and his best buddy Jesse were just looking at them in a skateboarding magazine last week! God did that my friend! God provided for not just his need but his desire! The shoes fit like a glove and we rejoiced all the way home, and in fact, he is still in love with the shoes!
Suit Jacket since the first night of the conference is Wednesday all the boys were going to ware suit jacket and tie. Kyle did not have a suit jacket so that was another expense we were not planning on. We could have told them we did not have one and it would have been NO problem but we wanted to see if we could pray for one! We began to pray, my sister looked several places for one. She looked at stores where she always finds deals and there were none to be found. About the best deal we could find was $99. We found out a local suit store was going out of business but with Mark loosing his job there was no extra to even look. One evening another member at our church mentioned she had some suit jackets for my husband and she would bring them to church the next service. She said they may need alterations but we could have them if we wanted. Would you believed one of them fit Kyle perfectly!!! I'm telling you, when he came out with that jacket on, tears filled my eyes and we thanked God as a family for answering yet another request.
These are just a few of the prayer request that God answered over the past few months. What a blessing it was for Kyle to see faith in action. What a blessing it was for him to see the impossible become possible. What a blessing it was for us to have an opportunity to teach him the when God is your focus, all things work together for good. What a blessing this whole process has been. We did not have the money to send him but God did and He provided every thing he needed and so much more. For us, going to camp is not just about a week away from home having fun, going to camp is just another learning experience preparing him to one day leave our nest and head out on his own. Going through these baby steps of faith as a child are preparing him for the mountains he will face one day as an adult.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
CVS Deals This Week!

These are a few items I will be picking up this week:
Papermate Grip Pens.................99 cents........99 cent back in extra care bucks
Caliber 5 subject notebook.......$3.99...........$3.00 back in ECB
Caliber Blunt Scissors...........$2.99...........$2.99 back in ECB
Caliber School Glue.................99 cents.........99 back in ECB
Caliber Plastic Ruler...............99 cents.........99 back in ECB
Using ECB from last week...-$10.00
Total out of pocket.........$FREE!!!!!
Total Back In ECB...........$8.96 (great for shopping next time!!!)
ECB are printed out on the bottom of your receipt and can be used as in store cash! I just keep recirculating the ECB for items that offer more ECB! With my $8.96 in ECB I will make another trip to purchase the following:
*Hardcover Photo Book...$7.99...$7.99 back in ECB
Tylenol Arthritis.......$3.99............$3.00 back in ECB also using $2 coupon
Gillette Fusion Razor...$7.99.........$4.00 back in ECB also using $4 coupon
Using ECB............-$10.01
Coupon..................-$ 6.00
Total out of pocket $3.96!!!
ECB for next trip.....$14.99 -Woo Hoo!!!
Total for this trip should be around $29.91 but we will come home with everything for around $3.96 a savings of $25.95 plus end the trip with another $14.99 in ECB!!!
Looking forward to seeing how you do this week. Make sure to come back and let us know so we can celebrate with you!
*Nicole's Nickles has posted tips here on how to create your own photobook.
Check out her tips before heading out to create your own book.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Camp Supply List

The following is a list of supplies we pack for the week of camp. Each year we keep a list and when he returns we update the list and make any necessary changes. We use a large suitcase. When you help them pack it will be very well organized, but when it comes home, not so! Keep it large enough so they can get everything back in when its time to come home. Another thing that we do is put his name on all his supplies. After a kid took his shampoo one year we now mark everything so there is no confusion who it belongs too. We only have boys in our house so sorry girls! If you have girls, I would love for you to post your list!
6 Play Shirts
4 Dress Shirts
5 Shorts
2 Dress Pants
1 Jeans
4 Dress Socks
6 Play Socks
6 Underpants
Swimming Trunks
Tennis Shoes
Old Play Shoes
(he uses these for outdoor activities and if they are to messed up they go into the trash)
Flip Flops (nothing fancy, use in the shower)
Beach Shoes (he likes these for those times at camp there is swimming in the lake)
Dress Shoes
Personal Supplies
2 Towels
Soap/Body Wash
Face Wash
First Aid Supplies (I always send bandages, ointment, sunburn cream, chap stick, anti itch cream, bug spray and in recent years we have added lice spray which he sprays on his bed before making then has on hand just incase-trust me, just send it!!!)
(check with the counselor to see if they need to hold this or of if it can be left with your child)
Wash Cloths
Hair Spray
Pillow-we put an extra pillow case on his pillow incase the top one gets to dirty.
Deal of the Day @ CVS
I just love getting items FREE!!!!
The total for these items would have been $58.51
With coupons and sale items my total out of pocket was $5.98
Came home with $11 in more CVS Bucks for next trip!
It pays to purchase more then one Sunday paper each week!
Savings of $52.53
A savings of $20.98
Remember to get your Sunday papers this week so
you can find some great deals next week!
Friday, July 10, 2009
I Quit!
The other day my cute niece Emily had on a t-shirt that had a picture of a cigarette butt in an ash tray and it said, "Sometimes, its ok to be a quitter!" After a day this week, I decided I would be a quitter too! As we're going into week four without a job I had a day this week where I held myself a really good pity party. Mark received an email to come take a test at a job he worked part time a year ago. They were wanting to hire for a supervisor position and we were really excited about the possibility. Then he realized he can not work for them because he is under a binding contact that he can't work for a competitor for one year! That started my pity party. For a good 8 hours I sulked, I was mad and I did not have a good day! It was not until late that evening that I realized what I had done all day long. What a waste! I sat myself down (well I was actually cleaning the kitchen) and had a good talk with ME! I told myself, "You had a good day focusing on you now its time to put the focus back where it belongs. Just because this job did not come forth does not mean God has stepped of the throne and its empty up there! God is still on the throne and He is still in control." I was pretty harsh on ME! So, today I have decided to be a quitter! I'm quitting my pity party, I'm quitting being mad, I'm quitting the worry, I'm quitting the negativism, I'm quitting the what ifs and I'm quitting focusing on ME! We are going into week four without a job, but its comforting to know God is still in control and we continue to press on.
Luke 12:7
But even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not therefore: ye are of more value than many sparrows.
Luke 12:7
But even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not therefore: ye are of more value than many sparrows.
Thanks For Visiting With Us
We had visitors from Austria, Bahrain, Mexico, Chile, Sweden, Canada as well as 135 from the good ole USA! Thank you to each of you for taking time to visit with us this week! I hope you will come back again, I would love for you to leave a comment and join our blog so we can visit often. Its our first week counting and it was fun to see how many visitors we had.
Thanks for stopping by, I look forward to hearing from you!

Happy Shopping!!! Let me know about your deal of the day!
We're Lucky
Fabulously FREE Friday!

First 10,000* to respond here will receive one full pack of Ziploc® Brand Sandwich Bags
and one small Ziploc® Fresh Shield® Twist 'n Loc® Container.
Print your coupon here
Now through August 3, stop into McDonalds beteween 7AM - 7PM on Mondays, and start the working week with a complimentary McCafe Mocha, the Sweet side of espresso.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Deal of the Day @ Food Lion
The above meat would have cost me $62.15 but I paid $29.64 a savings of $32.51!
Chicken Alfredo with Broccoli and Tomatoes
Grilled Chicken Strips on a bed of Garden Salad
Grilled Chicken Pita Pockets
Taco Salad
Meat Loaf
Its original price was $13.73 marked down to $6.72 a savings of $7.01
What deals have you found this week?
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Corn on the Cob

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