My New Favorite Product!
Can you be in love with a stain remover? Well, if you can then I'm in love! A few months ago I had a coupon (of course) for Zout! When I saw the coupon I thought what is Zout? Soon after getting the coupon I went to the dry cleaners and saw Zout on their prep counter. The lady was spraying Zout on the stains and I thought...If the cleaner is using this I should check it out! Today I was soooo happy I did! Having boys you never know what's going to be found in the laundry. Well, today, when I pulled the clothes out of the dryer, I noticed an itty bitty red crayon made its way into the dryer!!! ahhhhhh!!!!! When I pulled the clothes out my blouse was covered in RED CRAYON!!! Deep breath, deep breath!!!! I think the red crayon found my blouse and began to nest because it was the only thing red! When I saw it I just knew it was ruined so I thought I would try Zout. Guess what....every bit of the red crayon came out!!! I could not believe it! So, now I'm in love with Zout and I'll be looking forward to finding more coupons but even if I don't its worth the $2.79 to keep this product in the house, you know, for those red crayon emergencies!!! What is your favorite cleaning product? I would love to hear from you!
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