Thursday, February 25, 2010
Birthday Coupons
This morning my in box is full of birthday wishes and coupons! How fun! One coupon I thought you might enjoy is this $1 off combo coupon from Wendy's. Go here to print your coupon and enjoy your day too!
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Here are a few coupon I have printed this week. Hope they help you save too!
Any Reed Diffuser or 3 Wick Soy Based Candle
I heard of this deal on-line thought it was a good
one to share with all!! Sarah K.
KMart is having a great deal this coming Saturday and Sunday 2/27 and 2/28. Bring in any old board game and get 50% off all participating Hasbro games. The details are “bring any used game to the Customer Services Desk to redeem for an in store coupon. Limit one coupon per customer. ” Go here to print some great Hasbro coupons.
Coupons.com has some great coupons this week.
Make sure to check them out before they are gone - they go fast!
Below are some deals I found this week at our local Publix using
coupons from coupons.com.
Right Guard
print 1 and get 2 at Publix for just .79 cents
note: mine came with .55c off coupons!!!
print 1 and get two boxes at Publix for $1.29 when you match with the BOGO free coupon in the yellow or green coupon flyer at Publix (can't remember the name of the flyers)
Polaner Sugar Free Preserves & Jellies
On sale 2/$4 print two coupons and you get them for $1 each
Looking for more Publix Deals? Go here to view Faithfully Frugal and
she will show you some great Dollar Deals this week!
My Publix Savings This Week...
TOTAL SAVINGS....$154.00
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Cover Girl Deal of the Day
This is how I saved today....
Original Price $5.96 each x 6 = $35.76
Clearance Price $2 each x 6 = $12.00
Coupons - 2 - BOGO Free Coupons (which means now I am only paying for 4 - now we are down to $8)
2 - $2.50 off 2 Coupons ($5.00 off)
Total out of pocket for all 6 = $3.00
A Savings of $32.76!!
Go here to see my coupon binder and I bet you'll start saving big too! I would love to hear about your savings this week or if you find any great deals.
Monday, February 22, 2010
Food Lion
I've not been on a big shopping trip in several weeks. We've been eating out of the pantry and using up a lot of our reserve. It was time to start stocking up again so today was a good day to do just that. Even in the rain, its a good day to save money for my family.
My first trip was to Food Lion.
The butter was another BOGO free sale matched with a coupon made both for just $1.19 and
the Blistex was on a BOGO free sale matched with two $.35 cent coupons made
it just $.29 cents for both.
Remember, rain checks don't expire so get them!
I purchased these roast for $5 each which will provide 4 meals for my family.
Today I spent - $75.32
Total out of pocket - $22.02
Savings of $53.30
Captain D's Club
My Dad enjoys getting Captain D's every once in a while and each time I go I mean to come home and join the Captain D's club. This evening I did just that and to my surprise a coupon for a free 2pc fish and fries or 2pc chicken and fries came to my inbox. Dad is going to enjoy getting that treat next week. Thanks Captain D's!!! Go here to join the Captain D's club and enjoy!!!
Taco Bell Coupon

Yummy! Its back! Go here to print a coupon for a FREE Fresco Taco! Hurry because coupon is only good till February 25. Enjoy!!!
Bumble Bee Tuna
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Friday, February 19, 2010
Lemonhead & Friends Sample

Oh, my honey is going to be a happy camper when he receives his FREE sample of Lemonhead & Friends! He loves lemonhead candy. Go here and sign up for your free sample and enjoy!
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Fun Day for All
This week I am planning a trip to the mall to look for some much needed shoes for myself and pants for our youngest. I never venture into the mall unless I am pulled by my hair kicking and screaming. Well, not really that bad but I really only go a few times a year if that. Since I have some coupons I am going to go and see what I can find. I thought I would make it a fun day for Mark and the boys too. I have several coupons for FREE stuff that I've been getting for an upcoming birthday so as a surprise to them we are going to take advantage of several of them. I've been surprised at all the goodies I've been sent so we are going to have fun at the mall this week. Go here for a free goodie from Orange Julius. Join the OJ Quench Club and receive a coupon good for a free 20 oz Orange Julius or Premium Fruit Smothie and they will send you another on free on your birthday! You can use it to plan a fun date too! Check back for other links to sign up for free goodies for your birthday.
Scotch Packaging Tape

StarKist Coupon

Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Quaker Oats Coupon

Sea Creatures with Grandpa
Being a Mom of two amazing boys leads way to many adventures. I don't get to decorate anything in pink (except for Valentines Day) and cute girly hair bows have never been made in my home but ask me anything about skateboarding and I can pretty much keep up with you or ask me the best place to purchase paintball supplies and I can tell you where to get the best value in town! This past week while sitting at the doctor's office with Dad he mentioned he wanted to do something fun with the boys at home so we decided to have a special lunch and movie....on the menu,
Sea Creatures!!
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
JCPenney Coupon

Go here for another great coupon from JCPenney, this one is for $10 off $25. I'm looking for some new shoes so I hope to get to use this coupon towards some new black flats or white tinnies. Hope it comes in handy for you too! What are you looking for?
Coupon good till February 27, 2010
Auntie Anne's

Auntie Anne’s is offering a free Pretzel on February 20 from 10AM – 3PM at all locations. You can choose an Original or Cinnamon Sugar pretzel. Click here for a location near you and ENJOY!!!!
The Missing Sock
Do you ever see this on the floor? I am ashamed to say I see this all the time and I usually call the culprit to pick them up. For some reason I saw just one sock on the living room floor. I was doing laundry and it struck me that the missing sock was not with his mate, when I reached down to pick it up I noticed there was something stuck to it...
Upon further investigation I noticed....
this was no mistake!
The boys hot glued eyes to a sock and made a sock puppet! They couldn't
use an old sock, they had to use a new one because it "looked better!"
Today while doing the laundry I heard what I thought was a pack of tic tacks in a pair of pants. When I pulled it out, it was the eyes on this puppet rattling!
use an old sock, they had to use a new one because it "looked better!"
I just love my job.
A little nonsense, now and then, is cherished by the wisest men. Roald Dahl
Monday, February 15, 2010
Valentine's Day At Our House
Often I feel so blessed to be on this amazing journey as a wife and mother. Its not always an easy journey but its one that I feel honored to be a member. Valentine's Day in our home is not only another day to express how much we love one another but its also a day for us to teach the boys the importance of making their love feel special. We do it all year but on this day we make a special point to make each other feel important and loved in a special way. I know one day I will not be their Valentine but for now I cherish the moments of being their one and only and enjoy teaching them to cherish the one they will one day love. For us, Valentine's Day is not about the gift as much as it is about doing things for one another to express just how much we love one another.
Mark has adopted this as his holiday and he always has a little something special for us when we wake up. This year he gave me something I never buy myself, Dark Chocolate Lindt Lindor Truffles. Oh, my, LOVE those!!! The boys each made me homemade card. Don't you just love homemade cards? I know I sure do.
When I was a little girl about 8 my Grandma passed away and while visiting my Grandpa he gave me these little ceramic angles and I just love them. He had tears in his eyes when he gave them to me and said; "Your Grandma always loved these." Having them on my table reminds me of the love that has been in our family for generations.
Our youngest loves brownies so a holiday is not complete without these little jewels. Just bake in a mini muffin pan, top with a dollop of frosting and add a Valentine heart and you're set with a cute dessert.
Strawberry cake with strawberry frosting is always a hit but having it on Valentine's day just adds to the flow of PINK! Its the only time of year I get to decorate in PINK and I love it!!!
I love a good thrift store find and finding two of these little bowls just made my day. They were .25 cents each and were perfect holder for PINK candy and the other one had PINK cookies. Oh, did I mention I LOVE PINK?
This parfait glass were another find this past week at the thrift shop. I found 17 of these for just $2.99!! I have plans for them in a few weeks at our ladies fellowship but today they were filled with salt and topped with a tea light candle to add shine to our Valentine table.
I love going out with my friends for Girls Night Out. This past month I found these cute heart noodles which I fell in love with. For just $3 I was excited to add more PINK to my table!
Add some Italian Dressing, Cucumbers, Cherry Tomatoes, Olives and you have a yummy pasta salad which went well with our pizza. What a nice evening we had together as a family. The boys kept saying Thank You Mom & Dad for a great day. Its not always about the big things we do for our family its about the memories we build and the things we teach along the way. Hope you had a wonderful Valentine's Day too!
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Brunswick Bowling Coupons
Snow Day 2010
They say we've not had this kind of snow fall in 20 years!
Its the first snow fall our youngest has ever seen and boy what a day it was!!!
The first layer of their official snowman! Grandpa came out at 10 PM and showed them how to roll the snow into a ball! The boys were amazed at how it stuck and they made....
an official southern snowman!
Its funny how even in the snow their personalities show forth. Our oldest made the snowman complete with hair and our youngest is holding a snowball ready to hammer Mommy.......
which he did!
the house
we even had hot yummy cinnamon rolls....
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Movie & Popcorn

Great for any night, but even better on a weekend!!! This coupon is a rent one get one FREE deal. Rent a movie at the regular price, and receive the first night's rental on the second movie FREE. Simply enter promotional code POPCORN. Offer expires 2/3/2010. Then go here to print a $1 off coupon for Orville Redenbacher's yummy Popcorn and you're set for a relaxing evening! Enjoy!!!
Monday, February 8, 2010
Ryans BOGO Free Meal

Go here and join eClub and they will send you a printable coupon for a free buffet meal redeemable at old country buffet, hometown buffet, country buffet, ryans, and fire mountain restaurants. As a member you will also receive other special offers and coupons through out the year.
Papa Murphy's Coupons
Back Again
Sometimes life gets so busy and the past few weeks have been that way for us. I've been working out of town, Dad had several doctor appointments, two heart wrenching funerals and then the daily joy of being a wife, mother, daughter and teacher added to the mix. I appreciate all the emails asking where I have been in blog land and I am happy to be back. I have so much to catch up on. Looking forward to visiting with you again.
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