Next, I was off to get my produce for Thanksgiving. I had a coupon for $5 off $20 so I was excited to get $20 for just $15! When I pulled into the store I noticed a missionary that we support walk into the store and I felt the Lord telling me to give him my coupon. I was so blessed with what the Lord saved me that I walked into the store to give him the coupon but I could not find him. I was only going in for produce but found myself in the frozen food section where I spotted an elderly lady who was putting food back. She was obviously very poor, had an unappealing odor about her and was missing most of her teeth. My heart went out to her but I walked right on by. Then I felt that tug on my heart again to give her my coupon. When I went back I heard here say to herself in a quite voice, "I only have $9 and I need 7 days of food." She then went on to say if she bought bread she could stretch that but was stressed because bread went up .20 cents. I knew she did not have $20 to use my $5 coupon. She then got scared and said she needed to hurry so her ride did not leave her and she rushed to the check out lane. I quickly picked up the items she put to the side added several more items and rushed to the check out with her. This is a store where they do not bag your item so I threw a bag at the cashier, told her I want to hurry and give these items to the lady in the other lane and please bag them for me. The elderly lady had problems paying for her food so I snuck the large bag of food into her cart with out her seeing it and turned around to pay for my food. By this time my cashier has tears in her eyes and asked me why I did that. I told her about what the Lord did for me that day and how her store sent me the $5 coupon and how I wanted to give back a portion of what the Lord gave me. Then the elderly lady cashier turned around and had tears in her eyes and asked if the elderly lady knew I did that and my cashier said, "No, she was just being a blessing today." The elderly lady's cashier gave me a big hug and with tears in her eyes thanked me. As I walked outside my heart broke because I saw the elderly lady loading her items into a very old truck but she had fear in her eyes because she knew the extra food was not hers. She put her items in the truck and started looking in the bag. She looked up but was trying to move fast so she did not get into trouble by having an extra bag she did not pay for. I walked up to her, put my hand on her arm and said, "I just wanted you to have a happy Thanksgiving," She looked at me with tears in her eyes and thanked me over and over again. She got in her truck, with the biggest smile I have ever seen and was truly Thankful for those few groceries. It made me think of my own life and how I may not have fresh paint on my walls, I may not have the new dining room set, I may not have new carpet, I may not have all that I want but I have so much more and I am so thankful for what He has given me.

Monday, November 30, 2009
The Best Thanksgiving EVER!!!
Next, I was off to get my produce for Thanksgiving. I had a coupon for $5 off $20 so I was excited to get $20 for just $15! When I pulled into the store I noticed a missionary that we support walk into the store and I felt the Lord telling me to give him my coupon. I was so blessed with what the Lord saved me that I walked into the store to give him the coupon but I could not find him. I was only going in for produce but found myself in the frozen food section where I spotted an elderly lady who was putting food back. She was obviously very poor, had an unappealing odor about her and was missing most of her teeth. My heart went out to her but I walked right on by. Then I felt that tug on my heart again to give her my coupon. When I went back I heard here say to herself in a quite voice, "I only have $9 and I need 7 days of food." She then went on to say if she bought bread she could stretch that but was stressed because bread went up .20 cents. I knew she did not have $20 to use my $5 coupon. She then got scared and said she needed to hurry so her ride did not leave her and she rushed to the check out lane. I quickly picked up the items she put to the side added several more items and rushed to the check out with her. This is a store where they do not bag your item so I threw a bag at the cashier, told her I want to hurry and give these items to the lady in the other lane and please bag them for me. The elderly lady had problems paying for her food so I snuck the large bag of food into her cart with out her seeing it and turned around to pay for my food. By this time my cashier has tears in her eyes and asked me why I did that. I told her about what the Lord did for me that day and how her store sent me the $5 coupon and how I wanted to give back a portion of what the Lord gave me. Then the elderly lady cashier turned around and had tears in her eyes and asked if the elderly lady knew I did that and my cashier said, "No, she was just being a blessing today." The elderly lady's cashier gave me a big hug and with tears in her eyes thanked me. As I walked outside my heart broke because I saw the elderly lady loading her items into a very old truck but she had fear in her eyes because she knew the extra food was not hers. She put her items in the truck and started looking in the bag. She looked up but was trying to move fast so she did not get into trouble by having an extra bag she did not pay for. I walked up to her, put my hand on her arm and said, "I just wanted you to have a happy Thanksgiving," She looked at me with tears in her eyes and thanked me over and over again. She got in her truck, with the biggest smile I have ever seen and was truly Thankful for those few groceries. It made me think of my own life and how I may not have fresh paint on my walls, I may not have the new dining room set, I may not have new carpet, I may not have all that I want but I have so much more and I am so thankful for what He has given me.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Our Annivrsary
Next, we were off again, this time to downtown Charleston where we parked and went shopping at the market a famous tourist attraction. What girl does not enjoy shopping but it was fun just walking hand in hand with him. After the market we walked over to the Double Tree Hotel where he informed me we were going on a carriage ride (which is my favorite thing to do downtown!) To my surprise a private carriage pulled up for just the two of us!!! I was so excited I forgot to get a photo! It was a cool brisk day and I was happy I had my coat but again to my surprise Mark had them bring a blanket! Mark brought with him a black bag and when we pulled up to the stop to get our route assignment he pulled out two coffee mugs and hot cocoa!!! Just when I thought it could not get any better he pulled out hand dipped chocolate strawberries (yes, he dipped them at my Dads house and hid all the evidence)!!!
At dinner I could see he was not feeling well but not wanting the evening to end he asked if I wanted to go shopping? I could see in his eyes that he was in pain due to some physical ailments he has been dealing with so I decided now would be a good time to give him my gift. As a surprise to him I saved some money back from a job that I worked and rented the Bridal Suite near our home. It had a hot tub in the room which I knew he would really enjoy considering how much pain he had been in the past few weeks. He had no idea at all! I packed an over night bag and took it to the hotel that morning so he was clueless! I told him, "Now its time for me to give you my gift!" He was shocked because he no idea I had a surprise of my own. I reached in my purse and got the hotel card out, put it between both hands and gave it to him. Needless to say he was now overwhelmed! I was not the only one with tears in their eyes! Then he blew me away one more time. He said he had one more surprise for me. He pulled out a little red box and said, "Rachel, I love you more today then I did 15 years ago and I am so glad you are my wife." When I opened the box I started to shake and tears rolled down my cheeks because he gave me.....
Monday, November 23, 2009
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Military Appreciation

Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Dollar General

Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Veterans Eat Free

Just a reminder that Applebees is offering a free meal to Veterans tomorrow on November 11, 2009. Go here for all the information and enjoy!
Monday, November 9, 2009
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Toys R Us Hasbro Sale

Some games are on sale for $3.99 with a $2 mail in rebate makes them just $1.99! The following are a few of the games on sale this week! Rebate form found here
- Candy Land
- Chutes and Ladders
- Disney Princess Chutes and Ladders
- Super Hero Squad Chutes and Ladders
- Memory Game
- Hi Hi Cherry-O
- Don't Break the Ice
- Ants in Pants
- Monopoly
- Sorry (my boys favorite right now)
- Jenga
- Scrabble
Friday, November 6, 2009
Bagel Bites

$10 off $30 Bath & Body Works Coupon

Old Navy Sale

Thursday, November 5, 2009
Turkey Dinner For 8 for $20!!

- One 12-pound Grade A turkey
- Three 11 to 15.5-ounce cans Green Giant vegetables
- Two 14-ounce cans Ocean Spray cranberry sauce
- Three 6-ounce boxes of Stove Top stuffing
- One 5-pound bag of red potatoes
- One 12-count package of Sara Lee dinner rolls
- One 22-ounce pumpkin roll cake
Our local Goose Creek Wal-Mart (the only one I called) is participating in this sale! The meat manager said he just put out about 100 turkeys so its a great day to buy a turkey! THANK YOU WAL-MART!!!!!!!
Christmas Lights

All You Survey

3lb of Lean Ground Beef
3 Eggs
1 package of Crushed Saltine Crackers
3tbsp Onion Onion
3tbsp Garlic Garlic
1tsp Accent
2tsp Creole Seasoning
1 Bottle of Kraft Original BBQ Sauce
1/4 cup Grape Jelly
- Add first seven ingredients in a large bowl and mix well.
- Roll into any size meatballs you desire. (use an ice cream scooper or cookie scoop)
- Place on baking sheet covered with foil. I like to bake mine about 10-15 minutes just to get some of the grease out and to seal the flavors.
- Remove from oven, let cool
- Place in a freezer bag and freeze until ready to use.
- This recipe will make 24 meat balls
How to Prepare
- When ready to use, remove as many as you need out of the freezer bag and place half in your crock pot (frozen is fine). Oh, don't forget your crock pot liner!!!
- Add BBQ sauce and grape jelly in a small mixing bowl, mix well.
- Pour over half of meat balls, add remaining meat balls and top with remaining BBQ sauce.
- This evening I wanted to cook them fast so I cooked them 3 hours on high, but if you're leaving for the day, cook on low. When you get home, remove the lid and it will thicken up and be oh, soooo yummy!
You can find this and many more recipes at Blessed with Grace and Grocery Chart Challenge
Disney Trip

Kellogg's Coupons

Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Golden Corral Free Meal

Free Meal For Veterans

Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Publix Deal of the Day
Monday, November 2, 2009
Create A Plan

- Create A December Schedule of Events - I take an empty calendar and start writing all the activities for the month. I include family fun times too like going to see the Christmas lights, decorating the tree, outdoor decorating, shopping day, gift wrapping evening, fill out Christmas cards...etc Just don't get so organized that you are not flexible. Plans change and things get added so remember your calendar is not set in stone its just a guide.
- Create A December Menu - Life gets so busy this time of year so if you have your meals planned all the way through the new year it will make things sooo much easier. Since we have family gathering for about 8 days at Christmas I plan the menu send it to my family along with a schedule of activities for the week. I used to stop the planning a few days after Christmas but now I take it all the way through the new year so I don't feel like I am planning again after Christmas and neglect the New Year activities. I get it all done in one swoop.
- Create A Gift Giving List - A few years ago Hallmark had these cute little binders that helped you organize your Christmas. In the binder was an area for gift giving. Since I shop all year long for Christmas I love having a spot to write down what I purchased. I don't know about you but if I don't write it down I'm not going to remember. So keeping a list of what I purchased and who its going to keeps me from over buying in one area so I don't end up with 20 girl gifts and no guy gifts! You can create your own binder or notebook by making categories like menu, gifts, Christmas card list (include addresses so you're all ready), family wish list...etc
With just a little planning and a little organization you can have a great holiday with a lot less stress. One day our children will be grown and will have families of their own, as much as I want to put a stipulation in their wedding vows that they will be at our home on Christmas I know that will not fly so I've decided to cherish every holiday that we have them home.
Michaels Coupon

Christmas Planning Week Two

This Weeks Top 10 Low Budget Gift Giving Ideas:
- Clearance Section - This week I ran into our local Dollar General store to get a few items and I founds some really cute cloth duffel bags for just $2! I am going to take them to the local shop and have my nieces monogram placed on them (which will cost me $9). Keep an eye open because stores are wanting to move merchandise so you can find some great deals. I already dropped off the bags so I'll show you a photo when I get them back.
- Christmas Ornaments - Have you seen the beautiful ornaments out this year! Wow! I was looking at some last week at the local dollar stores and I was surprised to see they were only $1-$2. A few years ago my Mom stared giving all the kids an ornament every year with their name on it. We just purchased a few paint pens and do it ourselves. The kid love it and year after year its so special to pull them out of the box and see a love note from Grandma. One day they are going to be very special for our boys.
- Dollar Tree - I love this store! Some things are junk but if you keep an eye open you can find some real treasures. Mom is working on Christmas stockings so this week I was looking for inexpensive items she could add to the stockings. I found some great treasures at the Dollar Tree. A girl can't get enough make-up so when I found name brand lipstick and gloss for just $1! I tested one out and let me just say I can't wait for the stocking!!!
- Magazine Subscription - Amazon has been offering great deals on yearly magazines. Go here to check out the deals this week and keep an eye open for a magazine someone on your list might enjoy all year long . Then be creative how you give them the gift. For instance...this year my brother wants gardening magazine so I am giving him a basket (from the thrift shop) with a plant (that I started from one of my plants), a yard decoration, a few yard tools (found on clearance), a current copy of the magazine and a note that says enjoy a year subscription. It cost me less the $20 for a great gift (including the year subscription).
- Movie Gift Card - Cold weather is coming or in your area my already be upon you. Our boys enjoy going to the movie and we have a theater near us that they can so see a movie for just $2.25. It make for a great activity on those cold or in our area hot days. I'm going to put a gift card in a popcorn bucket (in Targets $1 section) with theater candy, glass bottle of Coke and give it to my nephews.
- Gifts From The Garden - Often when shopping I find great containers at the thrift shop. This summer I found a resin cowboy boot that I just loved. I brought it home and my Dad put a start in in for me and it sits on my front porch. I just love it and it only cost me $.99 cents including the potting soil. Keep an eye open for discounted containers, baskets, pots and replant some of your starts and give as gifts. Even plant some herbs and give along with a new cookbook.
- Fudge - This year I am making Cookie Cutter Fudge for some smaller gifts. Its quick and easy and will delight any recipient. Go here for the recipe. After you create your master piece put it inside a cellophane bag, tie with a beautiful ribbon and add a name tag.
- Personalised Apron - Did you know you can purchase aprons at Sams in a triple pack? They have limited colors to choose from but if you take them to be monogrammed or add unique saying then it will make for a great gift. If you're up to it they're an easy sew too.
- Board Games - I have seen some great prices on board games lately but my favorite place to get games is again the local thrift shop. Just about all our games have come from the thrift shop. Our shop puts them in a plastic bag but if you ask they will let you open the bag to make sure all the pieces are in the box. Usually on the back of the box it will list all the pieces that should be in the box. If we don't know how to play I will make sure instructions are in the box too. I usually pay less then $2 per game and we have a great collection. Often the boxes look new so they would make for a great gift!
- Clothing - This past week I concentrated on one of my sisters for Christmas and I was so pleased to find her a three beautiful gifts that were brand new at the local thrift shop. I came home and looked them up online and all three pieces were valued at $169.00 and I paid only $12! We had a talk in our family a few years ago about giving and receiving thrift store items and we were all in agreement the we would love them. Its nice that I can give her a few beautiful gifts but they did not break my bank.
Okay, so that is my top ten list for this week. I hope it sparks some ideas for you and you can start shopping and saving this week too. I look forward to seeing what treasures I find this week. One thing I will be working on is making and canning Apple Butter. Come back for those details and the recipe. I would love to hear your tips for a frugal Christmas too!
Targer Shipping Offer

Target is offering FREE shipping on orders $50 or more. Go here for information and to start shopping. Remember type clearance into the search engine for even greater deals.
Toys R Us Coupons
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Menu Planning Monday

Sunday - Corn Dogs, Steak Fries and Raw Vegetables
Monday -Baked Chicken, Scalloped Potatoes, Broccoli and Rolls
Tuesday - Red Beans and Rice
Wednesday - Oatmeal, Eggs, Bacon and Toast
Thursday - Potato Soup and Grilled Cheese
Friday - Tacos
Saturday - Sloppy Joes, Steak Fries, Raw Vegetables