Do you ever find yourself asking "why" when it comes to decisions God makes for us? This week has been full of those for me and I had to realize I don't need to know the answer to that question, I just need to continue to trust in Him. Today I know one of those whys. I am one of those Mommy's that would have a large family had God chosen to give us a house full, but he chose to give us two precious boys. We always wanted more, but since that has not been in God's plan we just enjoy spoiling other little ones, especially little girls. Today I had to laugh because I think God knew just what he was doing when it came to no girls in our house. I think she would be the most spoiled little girl in South Carolina. Not so much by Mark and I (although I am sure we would add our part) but by our boys. This year we are so excited because my sister and her family are coming for Christmas! They live in MN and like all of us have had some trials come this year and financially things have been tough. They had a meeting with the kids and said, "Would you like to go to SC for Christmas with no gifts or would you like to stay home for Christmas and get gifts?" All the kids chose GO TO SC!!! When we told the boys this they were excited that they were coming but sad that they would get no gifts. They both asked if we could take part of their Christmas money to get gifts for their cousins. God has blessed us this winter with a few extra jobs so that wish came true. We called the kids and asked what they wanted for Christmas and it has been fun watching the kids shop for others. When our boys found out their little cousin Taylor wanted a Zhu Zhu for Christmas an all out hunt began (that was after we found out what a Zhu Zhu was!) We found out CVS was going to get a shipment so for weeks we stopped at every CVS from here to Florida even in Indiana looking for a little hamster! We must have stopped 50-75 times, made multiple phone calls and was on every list in town! Then the disappointment came when CVS told us they would not be getting anymore until after Christmas.
Last night we found out if you had a reward card with Toys R Us you could get a Zhu Zhu if you were one of the first 50 people in line! When I told Kyle (our oldest) he was insistent that we get up at 5AM and head to Toys R Us to get a little girl a little hamster! He said, "Mom, I have always wanted to do this and Taylor really needs this to make it a great Christmas for her!" So, this morning before the sun was even up we were off to Toys R Us!!! When we got in the car the boys both wanted to pray and Caleb said, "Lord, please help us get just one!" It was a precious moment and at that point I realized why God gave us boys. This was not about them, this was about them doing for others and they learned the lesson how it is more blessed to give then receive.

God heard Caleb's little prayer and answered it and then blessed us with much more!
God heard Caleb's little prayer and answered it and then blessed us with much more!
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